Restoration in photos



The van before the restoration started.


CIMG6085 CIMG6078 CIMG6079 CIMG6087


My baby got a new paint (and everything else under the surface).

20150516_122836 20150519_161911 20150519_161859 20150519_161850 20150519_162007

White first, red later.

20150520_092742 20150520_092752 20150520_181620 20150520_181610 20150520_181558 20150520_181542


Then we fitted everything else back into the van.

DSC_1039 DSC_1042 DSC_1041 DSC_1040DSC_0010 DSC_0028 DSC_0019 DSC_1070 DSC_1072 DSC_1074 DSC_1047 DSC_1048 DSC_1046 DSC_1045 DSC_1044 DSC_1043 DSC_0025 DSC_0016

Can you spot the USB plugs? I have got several distributed across the van.

DSC_0021 DSC_0015 DSC_0014 DSC_0013 DSC_0012 DSC_1147 DSC_1149

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